Statistics Books

  • LOL
    A cautionary tale about the dangers of texting and driving, with statistics and a reminder to make the right choice.
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  • Public Service Announcement: Depression
    A brief overview of depression, its symptoms, impact, and the importance of seeking help.
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  • Statistics
    An introduction to statistics, including definitions, types of statistics, and basic types of diagrams.
  • Autism!
    A book about autism, its characteristics, statistics, causes, and ways to reduce risk. It emphasizes the uniqueness of individuals with autism and the importance of acceptanc…
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  • Math in sports
    This book explores the relationship between math and basketball, highlighting how math is used in various aspects of the sport.
  • The safest place on six wheels
    This book highlights fun facts about school buses as well as bus safety.
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  • Propability and Statistics
    A collection of definitions and explanations of various mathematical terms and concepts.
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  • Israel
    The story is an informative piece about Israel, discussing its demographics, economy, and development status. It uses various statistics to argue that Israel is a developed c…
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