Statues Books

  • The Kindness Statue
    A group of children visit a museum and are inspired by a statue and Mia's story to be kind and helpful.
  • Family day out in the city of Brotherly LovE
    A family goes on a day trip to the Art Museum, explores the area, and visits historical landmarks in the city.
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  • The Robbery of the Statue of the God
    Dexter Talon and Benny Ranks, two school friends, are secret agents for the USPA. When the Statue of the Gods is stolen, they embark on an adventure to retrieve it, facing va…
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  • The Mischievous Statue
    In a small town, five friends uncover the secret of a statue that comes to life at night, leading them into a world of magic and possibility.
  • The Statue of Liberty
    The story provides information about the Statue of Liberty, its design, symbolism, and history.
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  • Max Finds His Confidence.
    A teenage warrior named Max overcomes his lack of confidence and becomes a great warrior through training and battles.
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  • Why are there symbols for the UNITED STATES?
    Ann learns about various symbols of the United States, their meanings, and significance.
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  • A Collection of Math Problems to Solve
    A collection of math word problems for children, with varying levels of clarity and accuracy.
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