Student Feedback Books

  • Learner Digital Stories in a Web 2.0 Age
    A project description of a digital storytelling program for ESL students, including objectives, outline, and student feedback.
  • Digital Storytelling with Students
    This story provides information and resources for using digital storytelling in the classroom, including tips, tools, and benefits.
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  • Mia and her unicorn
    Mia receives a unicorn for her birthday and tries to train it. After hiring two trainers, Uni finally learns to fly and saves Mia from drowning.
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  • Virtual Reality Go Through Virtual Live
    An informative text about Virtual Reality (VR), its definition, and benefits in education, health, entertainment, and art.
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  • Analysis of May Tasks for students
    A report on the usage and feedback of various educational tools by students, including Toontastic, Greetings island, Madmagz, Kahoot, Padlet, and Canva.
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  • A Thinking Classroom
    Vicky Kaminski, an 8th grade ELA teacher, shares her journey of creating a learning environment that promotes creativity and critical thinking. She discusses the importance o…
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  • Will Wants to Learn Again!
    Mr. Smith, a teacher, realizes his traditional teaching methods aren't engaging his students. He learns about differentiated instruction and successfully implements it, impro…
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  • What Actually Is Artificial Intelligence?
    This book explores the concept of artificial intelligence, its history, and its applications in education, including various types of smart systems and their benefits for lea…
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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