Study Abroad Books

  • Let's go study abroad!
    A brief overview of Cambridge University and the UK, including population, geography, climate, and application process.
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  • Best universities to study abroad
    This book provides information about the importance of graduating from university and highlights four prestigious universities: Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge, and Stanford.
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  • Go study aboard to where ?
    A guide to studying abroad in New Zealand, covering topics such as cost, universities, accommodation, transportation, leisure activities, and cultural aspects.
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    Bi and Teo, best friends from high school, go on a study abroad trip to Malaysia. They face language barriers and cultural differences, but learn and grow from the experience.
  • My New Teacher
    A student tells their mom about their first day of school, including their new Spanish-speaking teacher's trip to Costa Rica and the importance of studying abroad.
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  • Guide for applicants
    The University of Edinburgh Guide for applicants provides information on study abroad programs, entry requirements, available courses, accommodation, scholarships, and intern…
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  • Reflections on a Year Abroad
    A young person fulfills their dream of studying abroad in Japan, facing challenges and making memories along the way.
  • My Journey To Spain
    A young girl's journey to Spain for a study abroad program, her experiences, and her feelings of homesickness.
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