Stunts Books

  • dirt bikes
    A story about a dirtbike racer named Tyler and his experiences in racing, including stunts, accidents, and new challenges.
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    A passionate defense of cheerleading as a sport, accompanied by a brief history and explanation of different types of cheerleading.
    Eye Icon 382
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  • Monster Jam
    The narrator and their family attend a Monster Jam event at Ford Field in Detroit. They witness exciting stunts, including a girl driver winning the freestyle event.
    Eye Icon 167
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  • The Boy of
    A nostalgic reflection on various toys, sports, and experiences from the author's childhood.
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  • Flareon the daredevil
    Jump for Flareon!! Flareon's stunts are the best yet! But his biggest stunt is jumping the Grand Canyon. Will he make it? Find out in this book
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  • Harry Houdini's Life Story
    A biography of Harry Houdini, the famous magician and escape artist, highlighting his early life, magic performances, and death.
    Eye Icon 56
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  • The Playground Stunt
    Kyle, a clumsy new student, befriends Carlos Jr. They face bullying and an accident at recess. Kyle breaks his arm, leading to a lesson on bones.
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  • Mr beast
    The inspiring story of MrBeast, a YouTuber and philanthropist known for his extravagant stunts, challenges, and generous acts of charity.
    Eye Icon 97
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