Stuttering Books

  • The Girl Who Rides a Horse & Stutters
    Kate, a girl who stutters, faces challenges at school and the horse barn. With support from her speech teacher, friends, and family, she learns to cope with her stutter and f…
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  • The Power of Creative Drama
    Azur, a boy with a stuttering disorder, faces bullying at school. His teacher uses creative drama to teach empathy and Azur's friends apologize.
  • My Stuttering Disorder
    Brea, a girl with a stuttering disorder, shares her experiences and how she has learned to cope with it.
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    Anton, an igneous rock with a stuttering problem, overcomes his challenges and shares his life story.
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  • I am not a Dog!?
    A story about a dog raised by a cat and how he found out he is a dog.
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  • Jack and Porky
    Jack, a shy child with a stutter, struggles to make friends. With the help of his dog Porky, Jack gains confidence and improves his speech.
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  • The Turtle's Terror
    Sammy, a shy turtle, overcomes his fear to save his best friend Chila the cat when she gets stuck in a window. With the help of other animals, they rescue her and Sammy gains…
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    Mrs. Humble Bunny's peaceful life is disrupted when Foxy is murdered and her picnic basket is stolen. The community comes together to solve the mystery, revealing Young Eagle…
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