Suburban Books

  • Socks, Lola and the Suburban Jungle
    Socks loves his life in the suburban jungle until he meets Lola. Lola lives a completely different life which makes Socks wonder if there is something missing in his.
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  • Communities
    The story describes rural, urban, and suburban communities, highlighting their characteristics and differences.
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  • The Growth of Frisco
    A personal narrative about the transformation of a rural town into a suburban area, and its connection to a larger urban region.
  • Blood and Sand
    Sgt. Marshall, a war veteran, returns home from Iraq to find his wife in bed with another man. Haunted by the horrors of war and his personal life, he spirals into despair.
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  • Urbanization in Frisco
    The story explains the different types of areas - rural, suburban, urban, metropolitan, and megalopolis - using Frisco as an example.
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  • Jack's Trip to the City
    Jack visits his cousin Olivia in the city with the help of her police officer dad. They explore various places and return home at sunset.
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  • Sara's Suburb
    Sara describes her suburban community, highlighting the friendly neighbors, her enjoyable job, and the beautiful park. She invites readers to explore her community.
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  • The Twins
    A chaotic space adventure leads to a suburban family adopting two alien children, facing nosy neighbors and the FBI.
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