Successes Books

  • Fidel Castro's Successes & Failures
    A brief overview of Fidel Castro's failures, successes, and his involvement in the Cold War.
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  • Superstar Soccer Players
    A brief introduction to famous soccer players and their struggles and successes in the sport.
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  • Success and Failures in JFK Life
    A brief overview of JFK's successes and failures as the 35th President of the United States, including his foreign policy achievements and the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile C…
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  • John F. Kennedy
    This story provides a brief overview of JFK's life before presidency, his health issues, successes, failures, and his role in the Cold War.
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  • Effects of the Cold War on Society
    A brief overview of the Cold War, its major events, leaders, strategies, successes, failures, consequences, and impact on American society.
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  • Milton Hershey and the Chocolate Factory
    This is a detailed biography of Milton Hershey, the founder of Hershey's Chocolate Company. It covers his early life, business ventures, failures, successes, and philanthropi…
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  • Steve Jobs
    This book provides a chronological account of Steve Jobs' life, from his childhood to his contributions and successes in the technology industry, and ultimately his death.
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  • Lego STARWARS part 1
    Luke, a Skywalker, protects the galaxy from evil. Stormtroopers attack and Luke calls for help. When help doesn't arrive, Luke doubts himself but is reminded of his past succ…
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