Sugar Skulls Books

  • Dia de los Muertos
    Dia de los Muertos, also known as 'The Day of the Dead,' is a Latin American tradition celebrated on November 1st. It honors the deceased with food, altars, and parties.
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  • Dias De los Muertos
    Dias de los Muertos is a Latin American holiday to celebrate and remember loved ones who have passed. Participants believe the dead come back to life, and families create alt…
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  • Day Of The Dead
    The Day of the Dead, celebrated in Mexico, is a colorful holiday where people honor their deceased loved ones with altars and sugar skulls.
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  • Day of the Dead
    An informative book about the Day of the Dead, a Hispanic holiday that celebrates ancestors and loved ones who have passed away.
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  • Sarah and the Sugar Skulls
    Sarah goes to her friend Maria's house for a playdate and learns about Dia De Muertos, a Mexican holiday. They make sugar skulls and pretend to celebrate the holiday.
  • Dia De Los Muertos
    Dia De Los Muertos is a Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1 and 2 to honor deceased loved ones. It involves visiting graves, decorating with flowers and sugar skulls, an…
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  • Halloween vs. Day of the Dead
    This book explores some of differences of these two closely tied holidays. On the left side of the page you will see Halloween and on the right Day of the Dead.
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  • Dia De Los Muertos
    A child learns about the traditions and elements of Dia de los Muertos, including altars, marigold flowers, bread of the dead, sugar skulls, and more.
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