Sunny Days Books

  • A sunny day In Texas
    A family goes on a vacation to Texas, where they visit relatives, play games, go swimming, and have fun at Six Flags.
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  • Charlie, The Cicada
    Dorothy and her husband lived aboard their boat in the Mediterranean Sea. Although living “The Dream,” they missed their granddaughter, Emma. After hearing the constant hiss …
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  • Becoming Bella
    Written for my young daughter (my 1st ever go at writing down a story!). I wanted the story to have the message of 'change is OK' as everyone experience changes as we grow.
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  • The Rainy, Snowy, Sunny Day
    It all starts with a snowy August day. See what happens when two kids experience many seasons in one day!
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  • Rainy Day, Sunny Day
    An old lady who cries all the time learns to change her perspective and becomes known as 'the smiling lady'.
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  • Do You Know the Secret of ... ?
    A story about competitors who learn to be friends and teammates.
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  • Bubbles Island Adventures
    On an island in Hawaii, Bubbles the friendly rabbit had been living as a classroom pet. He had often wished for a home of his very own, and one day his wish came true.
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  • Marley's Big Adventure
    During a hike with my granddaughter, on a bright sunny day, a story was unfolded. This is my first attempt at any writing so I hope you will enjoy the love that resonated thi…
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