Sunrise Books

  • Sunrise
    Taiyo and Hoshi are best friends who watch the sunrise together every day. A fight over a glass being half empty or half full leads to a falling out, but they reconcile after…
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  • Jimy's Sunrise
    Jimy, a lonely farmer, finds friendship with Juanne while facing challenges from a land developer. Together, they navigate friendship, loss, and the fight to protect Jimy's h…
  • Waiting Is Not Easy!!
    Gerald and Piggie have a surprise for each other, but waiting is hard. In the end, they enjoy the surprise of stars and look forward to the sunrise.
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  • Donald and Daisy Duck Deduce
    Donald and Daisy Duck find "D" words. They are quite the sleuths.
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    A family goes on a holiday to Sanur beach, enjoys the sunrise, swims, and has a nice time.
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  • Star Fairy Magic
    A young girl encounters a star fairy who turns her story into a constellation in the night sky.
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    Ingvar is a sweet, kind young man who wants to make people smile. His father is the ruler of a dangerous group of Vikings and wants his son to follow in his footsteps. On his…
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  • Sunrise
    Alex, a volcano survivor, fights evil and starts a new town. The story highlights the challenges of safety in an unsafe world.
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