Super Bowl Books

  • Undrafted to Super Bowl Hero
    The story of Corey Clement, a football player from Glassboro, New Jersey, who overcame challenges to achieve his dream of playing in the NFL and made history with the Philade…
  • Tom and the Missing Super Bowl Jersey
    After completing the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history, Tom Brady's game-worn jersey disappears. Tom and the rest of the players are unable to find his precious jersey.
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  • What if the Brown's Won a Super Bowl?
    Dallas and Cleveland Browns compete in a thrilling Super Bowl Championship game, with the Browns emerging as the winners.
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  • The Underdog
    The story follows Nick Foles' journey from almost retiring to becoming a Super Bowl MVP, highlighting his perseverance and underdog mentality.
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    The story follows the New York Giants' journey to win Super Bowl 46, including their victories over the Green Bay Packers, San Francisco 49ers, and New England Patriots.
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  • Sports
    This book provides an overview of the four main sports in the USA: soccer, baseball, basketball, and football. It includes information about teams, championships, and persona…
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  • The Little SeaHawks
    The little Seahawks football team faces challenges in the Super Bowl, but ultimately wins and celebrates.
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