Surprise Endings Books

  • Ollie the Fun-Loving Shark
    Ollie is a fun-loving shark. Meet him and his friends in this charming story with a surprise ending.
    Eye Icon 101
    Star Icon 4
  • I can count to 10
    A simple and engaging story about counting from 1 to 10, with a surprise ending.
    Eye Icon 149
    Star Icon 13
  • The Twelve Days of Christmas
    A classic Christmas song about receiving gifts from a true love, starting with a partridge in a pear tree and ending with twelve drummers drumming.
    Eye Icon 14064
    Star Icon 650
  • A simple and engaging story about counting various objects, with a surprise ending.
    Eye Icon 118
    Star Icon 10
  • Trick or treat
    Leah and her friends go trick-or-treating on Halloween. They encounter a haunted mansion, missing candies, and a surprise ending.
    Eye Icon 427
    Star Icon 22
  • GOO 2-Escape of the Soda Mutants
    Soda mutants escape the palace, end up in a boy's bathroom, and return home after realizing they miss their routine. Includes a surprise ending and a moral.
    Eye Icon 89
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  • 1-10 On Old MacDonald's Farm
    A fun and lively story about Old MacDonald's farm and the animals that live there, with a surprise ending involving an apple tree.
    Eye Icon 150
    Star Icon 1
    "Where's my bear?"
    It's a nice story with a surprise ending.
    Eye Icon 43
    Star Icon 2
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