Survivor Books

  • Extreme Survivor: The Tardigrade
    A child introduces the reader to the fascinating world of tardigrades, also known as water bears, highlighting their unique characteristics and abilities.
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  • We are Survivors
    This is a collection of survival stories from various individuals who have faced and overcome different challenges such as fires, illnesses, accidents, and natural disasters.
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  • Temperance Flowerdew A True Story of a Lady Survivor in Jamestowne
    A real history short story of a woman who played a significant role in early Jamestown.
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  • Survivor
    Grace, a talented dancer from Chicago, is preparing for a competition when she gets hit by a bus and loses her legs. Despite the challenges, she learns to dance again with pr…
    A collection of short stories about students and teachers discussing COVID-19, vaccines, online safety, mental health, and more.
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  • Survivor Skills Handbook
    A young author shares updates on their book progress and encourages feedback and ideas from readers.
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  • What Survivorship Means to Me
    A cancer survivor reflects on their journey, including the challenges and personal growth it brought, and their determination to give back to the cancer community.
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  • Survivor
    Bo, a soldier during the bombing of Pearl Harbor, faces danger and saves others before finally returning home.
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