My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Today's education tools are limitless, but engagement is key. Gamification enhances learning by creating an immersive and motivating experience.
    by Bahar KAZIK
    Eye Icon 78
  • by Bahar KAZIK
    Eye Icon 31
  • A group of ocean animals, including penguins, sea horses, fish, octopuses, and sea turtles, discuss the effects of climate change and pollution on their lives.
    by Bahar KAZIK
    Eye Icon 15
    by Bahar KAZIK
    Eye Icon 25
    Star Icon 1
  • A collection of short stories about students and teachers discussing COVID-19, vaccines, online safety, mental health, and more.
    by Bahar KAZIK
    Eye Icon 236
    Star Icon 3
  • Yummy the cat's life changes when his owner, John, becomes distant and aggressive. After a fight at school, John realizes his mistakes and tries to make amends with his frien…
    by Bahar KAZIK
    Eye Icon 122
    Star Icon 2

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