Swings Books

  • The Swing to Space
    This book is about a girl who goes to space on a swing! Join her as she explores cool planets, makes a new friend, and gets home some cool souvenirs!
    Eye Icon 75
    Star Icon 11
  • Andre's Adventures
    Andre, a 4th grader, shares about his life, including his dream of becoming a firefighter, his family, and encounters with a bully and sibling rivalry.
    Eye Icon 21743
    Star Icon 393
  • The Porch Swing
    A nostalgic tale of family and the magic of a porch swing in central Louisiana, where generations gather, stories are shared, and memories are made.
  • Finding My Voice Autism Through My Eyes
    Learn about autism through the eyes of a middle school child who lives with it day to day.
    Eye Icon 2500
    Star Icon 145
  • Back Up Duck!
    A duck realizes how much life is clearer (and safer) after he gets glasses from the eye doctor.
    Eye Icon 38993
    Star Icon 1587
  • Three Perfect Princesses
    Three princesses with different personalities embark on a quest to save their sick father and learn the importance of kindness and being true to oneself.
    Eye Icon 27401
    Star Icon 1379
  • Super Mario
    This book is about what Mario does and goes through to help his Princess.
    Eye Icon 10596
    Star Icon 203
    A family goes to the park on their dad's day off. The child wants to go on the swings but they're all full, until a little girl offers her swing.
    Eye Icon 6
    Star Icon 1
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