Symposium Books

  • Oh so!
    A chill bear named oso and his adventures with his pal Randy the cat
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    Creepella Kohl lives a life of luxury. She can have anything she wants but it’s never enough. One day she decides that she wants a jacket made entirely of bees. That’s when t…
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    Annie Oakley, a skilled sharpshooter, defied gender norms and achieved remarkable feats in the late 1800s.
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  • Millie's Marine Mission
    Millie the Mermaid takes readers on a tour of the Pacific Ocean, educating them about its wildlife and the importance of preserving it.
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  • The Bulletin
    The bulletin provides updates on the World Citizens Association, including changes in leadership, new members, and recent projects and events.
  • Plato's Seven Central Ideas
    Plato, a philosopher from Athens, had seven central ideas including thinking harder, loving more wisely, and the importance of beauty. He also believed in the need for new he…
  • Beneath Alien Skies: Continuum of unity
    Sequel to my other book. Beneath Alien skies: Chronicles of invasion.
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  • Earth Day
    A brief history of Earth Day, its significance, and the events that took place on different years.
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