Tall Tale Books

  • Tall Tales
    Dexy Lexy and her brother Jack Mack, both with superpowers, have an adventure in the forest involving bees and a trip to the hospital.
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  • Tall Tales from Letchworth School
    A collection of tall tales written by children about fictional characters with exaggerated abilities and achievements. Each story is unique, featuring characters who are arti…
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  • Halloween tall tales
    On Halloween night, four children tell a story about knights saving princesses from an evil queen. They overcome challenges and live happily ever after.
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  • Sturdy
    A little table faces challenges and finds strength in acts of kindness, reminding us to embrace our uniqueness and touch the lives of others.
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  • Jack's Tall Tales
    Jack, a frog who loves telling stories, loses his friends' trust. He plants a garden to make amends and gains their forgiveness.
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  • Paul Bunyan
    The story of Paul Bunyan, a legendary lumberjack known for his strength and tall tales.
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  • The tall tale of dinobetes
    Jimmy, a T-Rex with diabetes, shares his daily life and the importance of insulin. He emphasizes that diabetes doesn't stop him from doing sports.
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  • The Tall Tale of Mac
    Tony, Mac, and Cheese learn a lesson about treating others with kindness and respect.
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