Technological Development Books

  • The Mathematics Competition Part III
    Having just discovered that Professor Zwiebel's work has actually been the development of a thinking machine, Charles and Elizabeth travel once again to London to take part i…
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  • Japanese Cultures
    An informative book about various aspects of Japanese culture, including traditions, religion, sports, food, tea, geisha, gardens, manga, samurai, kabuki, and cherry blossoms.
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  • Juvenile delinquency Ni Made Sukma Dewi
    The story discusses the causes of juvenile delinquency, including the influence of technology, the surrounding environment, and lack of attention and affection. It emphasizes…
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    An informative book about renewable energy sources and their importance in environmental protection and technological development.
  • New Technologies of World War II
    A summary of key technological developments and their impact on World War II, including tanks, aircraft, bombs, and the atomic bomb.
  • SYNERGY FOR ENERGY eTwinning Project
    A conversation between a child and their grandfather about the changing world and the importance of protecting nature.
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  • Digital comic book
    A student asks a teacher for help with a technology project and they discuss the impact of video games, social media, and socially-intelligent machines on society.
  • The Roaring 20s
    A brief overview of the cultural, social, and technological developments in the 1920s in the United States.
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