Terror Books

  • Violet and the classroom of terror
    Violet faces bullying at school but finds friendship with Emma. Together, they promote kindness, leading to a transformation in their classroom and an apology from Max, the b…
  • The Turtle's Terror
    Sammy, a shy turtle, overcomes his fear to save his best friend Chila the cat when she gets stuck in a window. With the help of other animals, they rescue her and Sammy gains…
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  • The Tiger Who Lost His Roar
    You may not realize the value of something until you have lost it.
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  • Megasaurus
    The tiny, multi-colored bean-shaped bears of Beandom are under attack by a monster. Even the King's wisest advisors seem unable find a solution. Who will save Beandom? Can an…
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  • The Terror Train
    Need to spice things up a little? Well, this story's your stop! Read this adventure story to find out more!
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  • Terror Birds
    Learn about the terror bird, a prehistoric creature that was as big as a basketball hoop stand and could swallow a dog in one gulp.
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  • Devils of Terror: Traffic Lights
    A fictional story explaining how traffic lights work, controlled by devils inside them. The devils have different roles and powers.
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