Thailand Books

  • Mission impossible in real life
    The gripping true story of the rescue of 12 boys and their coach from a flooded cave in Thailand, showcasing the bravery and determination of the rescuers.
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  • Story of me
    Ging, a 15-year-old from Thailand, shares her experiences living in New Zealand and her thoughts on the culture, people, and food of both countries.
    by ging
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  • Visit Thailand
    A child introduces Thailand, its culture, traditions, and attractions, including elephants, lotus flowers, floating markets, and the Thai baht.
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    A description of the Songkran Festival in Thailand, including its traditions, activities, and significance for tourists.
    by khu
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    Mr. Johnson, a senior engineer, and his wife go on a trip to Thailand. Their valuables are stolen, and they learn the importance of safety precautions while traveling.
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  • Yi Peng Lantern Festival
    The Yi Peng Lantern Festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand is a celebration where thousands of rice paper lanterns called Khom Loi are released into the sky, symbolizing the releas…
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  • Thailand
    An informational book about Thailand, covering its history, tourist attractions, religion, flag, food, and culture.
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