Thermodynamics Books

  • The Laws of Thermodynamics
    Spot, the smartest dog in the universe, teaches us about the laws of thermodynamics.
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  • ABC's of Thermodynamics
    An alphabetical list of terms related to thermodynamics, explaining their meanings and concepts.
  • Where did Bo go?
    The Hogan family goes on a winter vacation to Colorado, where the children experience snow for the first time and learn about the states of matter through their melting snowm…
  • Lord Kelvin: Scale, Science, & Inventions
    This is a biography of Lord Kelvin, a renowned physicist and inventor. It covers his early life, education, and major contributions to science.
  • Energy Book
    Grandpa Energy and his family, the Matter family, explain different forms of energy and their effects in an informative and creative way.
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  • Learning about ecology
    A teacher introduces the concept of ecology and explains the laws of thermodynamics, food chains, and trophic levels to their students.
  • Albert Einstein
    The story of Albert Einstein's life and achievements, from his childhood to his groundbreaking scientific theories.
  • ermo
    Cornelius the Second seeks help from his chemist dad to understand thermodynamics for a test, but later uses his knowledge for questionable purposes.
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