Tiring Books

  • Daniel loves the beach
    Daniel and his family love going to the beach every Saturday, but the long drive is tiring. They search for a solution to their problem.
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    A group of friends plans a birthday surprise, visits a coffee shop, gets caught in heavy rain, and has a motorcycle accident. They learn valuable lessons from the experience.
  • Daniel Loves the Beach
    Daniel and his family love the beach but it's tiring to drive there every week. They decide to move closer to the beach and now go every day.
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  • Daniel Loves The Beach
    Daniel and his family love the beach but it's tiring to drive there every week. They decide to move closer to the beach and live happily ever after.
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  • space book
    Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong talk about their experience on the moon.
  • A Tiring Day
    A child's evening is interrupted by various events, including a glass breaking and a surprise visitor.
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  • Kai the Koi
    Kai, a Koi fish, faces adversity from other fish but decides to swim up a waterfall to become a dragon and prove that being different is not a bad thing.
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    Weenie can't find her stuffed animal, Bun, and searches the house until she finds him in the garage.
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