Tornadoes Books

  • Tornadoes
    A guide to tornadoes, including how they form and tips on how to stay safe from them.
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  • Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, and Hurricanes
    An informational book about thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, including their causes, safety tips, and vocabulary.
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    An informative book about tornadoes, including their definition, occurrence, dangers, and safety tips.
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  • Tornadoes
    A brief and somewhat disorganized book about tornadoes, including their formation, impact, and safety precautions.
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  • How to survive tornadoes
    A guide on how to prepare for and survive a tornado, including seeking shelter and post-tornado safety precautions.
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  • Nate's Twisty Tornado Day
    Jacob, Jane, and Nate learn about tornadoes when a storm hits their farm. They seek shelter and educate Nate on the science behind tornadoes.
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  • Natural disasters
    This book is about 6 different natural disasters including floods and tornadoes.
  • Thunderstorms, Hurricanes and Tornadoes
    This book provides information about thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, including their causes, characteristics, and safety tips.
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