Tower Books

  • Rescuing Princess Valentine
    Princess locked in a tower? We've heard this story before. Princess Valentine is no ordinary damsel in distress. This is a tale about finding your inner strength and being yo…
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  • Barney the Fire Truck
    This story is based on a real fire truck from Baltimore that wound up halfway around the world. I hope it reassures children that change can be good.
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  • By: Alexandra Towers
    Kenzie, an adopted girl from Guatemala, faces bullying and discrimination at school because she looks different from her adoptive family. With the help of her teacher and a m…
  • Rapunzel
    Rapunzel, a princess locked in a tower, uses her knowledge of physics to save herself with the help of a clueless prince.
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  • Tower of Gold
    A lonely princess in a tower is saved by a dragon when a thief breaks in. The dragon becomes her friend and protector.
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  • Princess Ava Reunites Royalty
    Princess Ava, locked in a tower, tricks a dragon and saves herself. She returns home with a group of men who tried to save her.
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  • Three Perfect Princesses
    Three princesses with different personalities embark on a quest to save their sick father and learn the importance of kindness and being true to oneself.
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  • MONSTER LAND Beware of Monsters
    Joshua and Jonathan go to Adventure Land, where they encounter monsters and a magician with evil plans. They must rescue their friends and trap the evil creatures in a hidden…
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