Transparency Books

  • The Pirate Lawyers Recover Costs
    How law firms can recover online research costs by disbursing them to clients.
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  • New Discovery in Technopolis
    Dr. Dumfries and Bobby, a scientist and coder, face challenges with their AI system. They take action to address concerns, enhance transparency, and protect data privacy. Tru…
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  • All AboutLIGHT!
    This book explains the properties of light, including refraction, reflection, and how it interacts with different materials.
  • Transparency Of Business
    Bobby teaches kids about business through income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.
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  • A- Z Animal Book! Created by: Dessica Collins
    A-Z Animal Book is an informative children's book that introduces various animals from around the world. Each page features a different animal, starting with Alligator and en…
    by Sica
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  • Light for dum dums
    Yuri explains what light is, its types, and how it interacts with objects. He also discusses transparency and translucency.
    A group of students from different countries present their projects on famous writers and literature.
  • The History of Educational Technology
    This story traces the evolution of educational tools from chalkboards to smart devices, highlighting their impact on teaching and learning.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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