Tree-dwelling Books

  • Hang in there, Sloth!
    A sloth describes its slow and tree-dwelling lifestyle, highlighting its unique abilities and inviting readers to celebrate International Sloth Day.
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  • ABC's of the RainForest
    An alphabetical guide to the animals, plants, and features of the rainforest, from anacondas to zorros.
  • ABC's of Animals
    This book will teach your child about different animals around the world. While your child is learning about different animals around the world he/her will also learn his/her…
  • ABC book for animals
    A collection of short descriptions about various animals, including bears, camels, dolphins, elephants, foxes, giraffes, hippos, kangaroos, lions, monkeys, otters, panthers, …
  • Sugar Glider
    A description of sugar gliders, including their habitat, appearance, diet, behavior, and lifespan.
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  • An alphabet book that introduces various animals and their habitats, characteristics, and behaviors.
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  • Into The Rainforest
    A collection of facts about various animals and plants found in the rainforest.
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