Trend Books

  • Two Tipping Trend Setters
    Johnny and Ben learn about the tradition of tipping and why people follow traditions even when they don't know the reasons behind them.
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  • Shopping Trends
    The narrator reflects on how shopping has changed due to COVID-19, including restrictions in shopping centers and personal experiences.
  • Popper's Penguin Propaganda
    Popper the penguin and his friends start a trend by wearing bow ties, but then surprise everyone by switching to sombreros and mustaches.
  • The Periodic Trends
    An educational book about ionization energy, electronegativity, and atomic radius, with a quiz at the end.
  • P Table Trend
    The story explains the three main trends of the periodic table: Ionization Energy, Electronegativity/Electron Affinity, and Atomic Radius. It also provides examples and a qui…
  • Periodic Trends
    An introduction to periodic trends, including ionization energy, electronegativity, and atomic radius. Explains how to determine ionization energy and electronegativity, and …
  • The Struggles of Trendy Trends
    Come struggle with the fam as we talk about the periodic table and trends~
  • The 3 Trends
    An informative book about the periodic table and its three trends: ionization energy, electronegativity, and atomic radius.
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