Trigonometry Books

  • You Can't Be an Astronaut, It's Just Not Realistic
    A boys journey to learn that being an astronaut, just isn't realistic.

    By: Matt Youngen
    Period 6
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  • POLYMATH Trigonometry and Eratosthenes
    Gaudeamus High School in Moldova calculates the circumference of the Earth using the Eratosthenes method.
  • Math Book
    An informative book about various math concepts, including geometry, trigonometry, and volume. Encourages the importance of math in everyday life.
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  • Trigonometry and Eratosthenes
    Gaudeamus High School in Moldova uses the Eratosthenes method to calculate the circumference of the Earth, getting a value close to the calculated value today.
    Geometry Tales is a collection of stories that incorporate mathematical concepts into narratives. The book covers topics such as probability, translations, angle pair relatio…
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  • Trig for Kids!
    Emma shows Finn how she's learning trigonometry through a math twist on a nursery rhyme, impressing Finn.
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  • Tommy's Adventures Through Outerspace
    Tommy, an astronaut, prepares for his mission to Saturn by studying math, specifically trigonometry. He passes the test and is excited to go to Saturn.
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  • Trigonometry and Eratosthenes project Growing with Applied Mathematics Experiances
    A group of students in Virovitica, Croatia measure the length of a shadow to calculate the angle of the sun's rays and the circumference of the Earth.
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