Triumphs Books

  • Princess Rose and the Golden Bird
    A classical style fairy tale full of romance and triumph of good over evil.
    Eye Icon 127976
    Star Icon 2458
  • Courage Rising: Serenity's Triumph
    "Serenity's Triumph" is a heartwarming story about a girl who finally finds the courage to stand up to her bully after enduring torment, hurt, and insecurities about herself.
    Eye Icon 56
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  • Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
    Sonic, Mario, and their friends compete in various events at the 2016 Olympic Games, facing challenges and triumphs along the way.
    Eye Icon 5725
    Star Icon 227
  • Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone
    The story follows the life of Harry Potter, a young magician with unique powers, as he attends a magical university, faces challenges, and ultimately triumphs over a villain.
    Eye Icon 4959
    Star Icon 193
  • Tracks and Triumphs
    "Tracks and Triumphs" is a historical fiction story, following the Wattsons, a family of homesteaders, Shen Ming Oug, A Chinise workeron the Transcontinental Railroad, and Go…
  • Soccer Friends Triumph
    Three friends, Alex, Max, and Mia, overcome challenges and win the Greenfield Soccer Tournament through teamwork, dedication, and friendship.
    Eye Icon 15
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  • Queen Emma and the Spoon in the Stone
    An adventure story where good triumphs over evil and a little girl saves the day!
    Eye Icon 97
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  • Eleanor Roosevelt
    The story of Eleanor Roosevelt, from her troubled childhood to becoming the First Lady of the United States.
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