Trophic Levels Books

  • Arctic Foxes
    A brief description of Arctic foxes, including their habitat, physical characteristics, and scientific information.
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  • Understanding the Food Pyramid
    Eun explores the forest and learns about the food chain, trophic levels, and how plants get their energy from the sun.
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  • Bruce and Friends a guide to ecosystems and trophic pyramids
    Gr.4-8 book about marine food webs and trophic levels.
  • Photosynthesis and Celluar Respiration
    This informative book explains the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in plants and animals, as well as the carbon cycle and trophic levels.
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  • Ecosystems
    Zeke takes readers on an educational journey through ecosystems, covering topics such as biotic and abiotic factors, carbon and nitrogen cycles, population dynamics, and the …
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  • Food Chains and Food Webs
    An informative book explaining the concept of food chains, trophic levels, and energy flow in ecosystems, with examples and illustrations.
  • Susie the Scientist and Biodiversity
    Susie Scientist studies biodiversity in the Serengeti and learns about top-down and bottom-up control.
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  • Predator and Prey
    Charles, a resident of sub-Saharan Africa, takes readers on a journey through the food chain and energy pyramid, explaining the importance of energy and the roles of producer…
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