Typhoon Books

  • How I Survived Typhoon Haiyan
    A first-person account of the devastating Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, its formation, impact, and aftermath in the Philippines.
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  • The Taiwan Typhoon Friends
    In a jungle school in Taiwan, a typhoon destroys Su's house. His friends Chang and Lin help him rebuild and they become true friends.
  • My story jumper
    A student's diary entries about their first weeks at college, including meeting new friends, experiencing a typhoon, and adjusting to classes.
  • Pokemon: Battle of 2
    Three friends embark on an adventure to find the Calos arena and compete in Pokemon battles. Along the way, they face challenges and grow as trainers.
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  • What do you see? SEA ANIMALS!
    This book is good for reading to children in all ages especially the young learners. It talks about kinds of animals living in the sea. The words and sentences are repeated t…
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  • 14 HOURS
    The movie '14 Hours' depicts the heroic efforts of hospital staff and emergency teams to save patients during a typhoon-induced flood and power outage. It emphasizes the impo…
  • Natural Disasters
    This book provides basic information about natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, blizzards, and volcanoes.
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  • Our Story
    Our Story is a book inspired by the author's life and experiences. It summarizes how the author's family and the author had gone through life.
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