Undersea Creatures Books

  • Tale Of the Fish (picture book)
    A fish named Morty witnesses the dangers of plastic pollution in the ocean and finds a safe place for everyone.
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    Undersea creatures face pollution and food scarcity. They decide to migrate, but a sea turtle suggests staying to solve the problem. Swordfish proposes a plan, and with human…
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  • Shelly and Ocho
    Shelley and Ocho, two undersea creatures, become friends despite their differences and form a dodgeball team with other players.
  • A Dolphin's World
    All Persephone ever wanted was to explore outside her cove home. Her parents never let her... until now. Read about Persephone's adventures outside the cove.
  • 3D World Micro Teaching
    In a parallel dimension, mermaids, aliens, and humans collaborate to create a powerful creature. They receive a message with quests to explore Earth.
  • the Key to Kosher
    Kimmy learns about kosher food from her mom after offering a sandwich to a classmate who follows the Jewish faith.
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    A group of children go to the sea and witness pollution. They decide to clean up the beach and prevent further pollution.
  • The Pythagorean Seahorse
    An absolutely amazing way to teach kids of all ages how to do the Pythagorean Theorem. This is the 1st release look for an edited one soon.
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