Universal Experiences Books

    A book that celebrates the similarities and universal experiences of children around the world, from food and clothes to play and bedtime routines.
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  • INDIA : Past and Present
    Jack and Annie travel to India in their magic tree house, where they explore the Taj Mahal, learn about Hinduism, meet Mahatma Gandhi, and return home with new knowledge and …
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  • From Mogadishu to Magnificent: The Journey of Ali
    "From Mogadishu to Magnificent: The Journey of Ali" is a heartwarming, yet compelling, realistic children's fiction that transports readers from the bustling streets of Mogad…
  • My last vacation
    A child recounts their vacation to Miami, visiting Universal Studios and having thrilling experiences at the parks.
  • Mési, Haiti
    A personal reflection on the author's experiences in Haiti, highlighting its culture, natural beauty, cuisine, and people. The author expresses gratitude for the lessons lear…
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  • The Scarlet Letter vs. Speak
    A collection of plot summaries, historical context, themes, symbolism, quotes, discussion questions, activities, and further reading suggestions for 'The Scarlet Letter' and …
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  • wonderful vacation
    A child recounts their family trip to Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, highlighting the sights and experiences they enjoyed.
  • My Poem Adventure
    A collection of messages and poems from various authors, teachers, and parents, encouraging creativity, courage, and kindness.
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