Us History Books

  • US History ABC Book
    A collection of historical events, figures, and concepts related to the United States, including the 15th Amendment, Bill of Rights, Emancipation Proclamation, and more.
    Eye Icon 4793
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  • ABC's of US History
    An alphabetical list of key terms and events in American history, with brief explanations for each. Some errors and lack of detail.
    Eye Icon 124
  • U.S. History Timeline Project
    A brief overview of important events in American history from the Magna Carta to the end of the Civil War.
    Eye Icon 84
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  • Walt Disney's Impact on America
    US History L3 Final Inquiry Project - Walt Disney's Impact on America
    Eye Icon 394
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  • US History
    An alphabetical collection of historical events, figures, and concepts, providing brief explanations for each. Some entries lack detail and clarity.
  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
    Eye Icon 22143
    Star Icon 1108
  • ABC's of U.S. History
    An alphabetical list of terms related to American history, with brief explanations. Some entries lack detail and clarity.
    Eye Icon 26
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  • ABC's of US History
    An alphabet book that provides brief descriptions of historical events, figures, and concepts in the United States.
    Eye Icon 17
    Star Icon 1
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