Us Involvement Books

  • U.S involvement in Vietnam
    The Vietnam War, its causes, US involvement, and the fall of Saigon are explained in a concise and informative manner.
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  • American Neutrality Acts
    The story discusses the Neutrality Acts and their impact on US involvement in wars, with examples from Europe during WWII.
  • 6 Healthy Lessons We Can Learn From Our Pets
    Pets are cute and cuddly, and they can also teach people some important lessons about being healthy. Find out 6 healthy habits that help pets - and people - live healthy ever…
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  • World War 1
    A brief overview of the causes, US involvement, outcomes, and positive effects of World War I, with some spelling and grammar errors.
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  • World War I and The 1920s
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of World War I and the significant events of the 1920s, including the causes of the war, US involvement, technological advancement…
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  • U.S Involvement in World War 2
    A brief overview of America's isolationist policies and eventual involvement in World War 2.
  • VIETNAM WAR STORY BOOK for children
    A brief overview of the Vietnam War, US involvement, and fighting tactics used by Vietnamese soldiers.
  • goldilocks and the 3 bears vietnam
    A simplified retelling of the Vietnam War using a bear analogy, focusing on US involvement and ultimate loss.
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