Validation Books

  • Losing my views..
    Riz, a struggling author, seeks validation from readers. He questions his worth and asks for feedback.
  • The Book of Feelings
    A reassuring book that acknowledges and normalizes different emotions, emphasizing that it's okay to have bad days and big feelings.
  • Don't Let The Tea Get Cold
    Princess Celine Asante Tevelia is dissatisfied with her life as a princess and yearns for validation. She meets Marchioness Lillianne Medea Aspen, who offers her a special te…
    A story about a child who learns the importance of choosing good friends and not relying on social media for validation.
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  • Sigma Defender
    Chad, a sigma in Ohio, battles the monstrous Camptodon to save his homeland, showcasing his strength and charisma in an epic showdown.
  • Pretty
    Josie becomes obsessed with Instagram, seeking validation through likes and comments. Her obsession leads to negative consequences, but she eventually learns to use social me…
  • All About Sharks
    A detailed and informative book about sharks, covering their physical characteristics, behavior, reproduction, and more.
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  • Danny's Move
    A book for children who are adjusting to life following a big move.
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