Verbs Books

  • Here Comes the King and Queen (Noun and Verb)!
    In a faraway village, a royal family with special grammar powers lives happily. The Queen has a baby and they live happily ever after.
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  • Verbs
    This informative book explains what a verb is, the three main types of verbs (action, linking, and helping), and provides examples. It also includes interactive exercises for…
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  • The Nouns, The Adjectives, The Adverbs, And The Verbs.
    A story that showcases different parts of speech through various sentences and examples.
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  • Verbs...are action words. Did you know?
    A short story about different actions and verbs, including running, eating, dancing, crying, and more.
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  • Around grammar land with the VERBS family
    A story about the English Verbs family and their adventures in learning different verb tenses.
  • The Parts of Speech
    Nelly Noun seeks help from her friends Vicki Verb and Addy Adjective to write a sentence about eating her delicious strawberry.
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  • ABCs of Animals
    Enjoy the antics of animals (along with strong verbs and alliteration).
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    A guide to English irregular verbs, categorized for easy learning. Includes examples of verbs and their past simple and past participle forms.
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