Villages Books

  • The Village of Cells
    A description of a microscopic village called Cell Village, where different organelles represent various buildings and functions.
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  • Animal Village
    Animal village is a peaceful place and everyone gets along! Read this book to see if that's the case.
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    Betzy Sterling is a fearless, awesome, coffee loving detective! But when a suspicious cake caper unfolds in her village , there's no one else they can turn to but... AGENT ST…
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor
    Mysteries and adventures are guaranteed when you have sisters, muffins, and a big spooky house. Book #1 in the series.
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  • It Takes A Village
    I, Brianna, wish to inspire children through real-world experiences. I encourage children to imagine they're present with other characters when reading. It makes reading much…
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  • Knight Vs Dragon
    A fearless dragon burns down villages, but a knight defeats him and is rewarded by the king.
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  • Monster in the Village
    In the village of Aniville, animals live in peace until a monster attacks. The animals fight back, but later realize the monster is just hungry.
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  • The Village
    A princess, in disguise, goes to live in a village and falls in love with a man named Logan.
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