Virtual Travel Books

    An evaluation of a school project called 'Discovery Traveler-Exploring the World' that aimed to foster cross-cultural understanding and global awareness among students throug…
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  • Virtual Tour of England 2021
    The narrator shares their fascination with England and their virtual visits to places mentioned in an essay.
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  • Washington, D.C.
    A lesson plan for sixth grade students as they travel through a Washington, D.C. Virtual Fieldtrip
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  • Virtual Heck
    Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtual Heck Virtu…
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    The story discusses the role of real-virtual transfer shop managers in creating physical versions of virtual objects and virtual versions of physical ones. It also mentions t…
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  • GPE Challengers Around the World
    Challengers from 11 different countries travel around the world and fight against coronavirus. They inform children about how to protect themselves from viruses.
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  • The Story of Afflatus
    A little boy named Afflatus embarks on a virtual tour around the world, learning about different cultures and making new friends.
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  • The AI Queen: Alexa
    In Cloudland, a chip named Alexa dreams of becoming a singer. She travels to the Amazon river and agrees to become a virtual assistant in order to fulfill her dream.
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