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This book provides information about the Wampanoag tribe, including their celebrations, beliefs, leaders, daily life, language, lands, history, and cool facts.
by Alison Ward

The story of the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving, from their journey to America to the establishment of Thanksgiving as a national holiday.

An overview of the first Thanksgiving, discussing the experiences of the pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe.
by Rosinavee

The book tells the story of the Pilgrims' arrival in America, their interaction with the Wampanoag people, and the first Thanksgiving celebration.
by hackbarthm

The story of the Mayflower's journey to America, the struggles of the Pilgrims, and their relationship with the Wampanoag people.
by gavrilaivana

The story of Thanksgiving, from the arrival of the Pilgrims in America to the establishment of the holiday.
by ncala

Hope you enjoy this book! Please comment what you think. please share with your family and friends!
by Kaiden Wolf

The story of the Pilgrims, their journey from England to America, and their establishment in Plymouth.
by karinzurita

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