Warlord Books

  • Splork the Alien Warlord
    This is story about an alien named Splork. Throughout the book, Brian the Asian Fairy tries to help Splork turn good and be kind. This story is based on A Christmas Carol, in…
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    The story of Yasuke, a black slave-turned-samurai in 16th century Japan, and his encounters with warlord Nobunaga Oda.
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  • Communism In China
    The story follows the political history of China, from Sun Yixian's presidency to the rise of communism. It includes conflicts with warlords, the Kuomintang, and the Japanese.
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  • Cloud City
    In a cloud kingdom, purple aliens face extinction from an evil warlord. They unite and drive him away, living in peace and prosperity.
  • The Spies Betrayal Special Edition Crocodile's Revenge
    Crocodile and Cyborg embark on a dangerous journey to find the Ice Emperor for revenge. They face numerous challenges, including mythical creatures and harsh environments. Th…
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  • Reavers Divided
    Tyrik and his friends confront Thazimis, a warlord, aboard a giant spaceship. Tensions rise as they negotiate, leading to a violent clash that changes everything.
  • Chinese Civil War
    A brief overview of the causes, events, and effects of the Chinese Civil War from 1911 to 1950.
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  • The East Asian World
    A brief historical account of the Ming Dynasty's overthrow in China.
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