Warm Water Books

  • Shelter Souls
    Animal awareness, character building, responsibility & community involvement is what "Shelter Souls" is all about. Everyone deserves a loving home! Let's all do our part …
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  • The Poems of Nature Volume 1
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 2 that I hope you will read…
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  • Charlie, The Cicada
    Dorothy and her husband lived aboard their boat in the Mediterranean Sea. Although living “The Dream,” they missed their granddaughter, Emma. After hearing the constant hiss …
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  • A Manatee's Winter
    Molly the manatee and her calf, Mason, migrate to Apollo Beach for warmer waters during winter, encountering new friends and enjoying their time there.
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  • Debeaked
    This story compares growing up on a turkey farm and later being a school principal. It's a good reminder about how we should treat others.
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  • The Thrill of the Chase
    A poem about a hidden treasure and the clues to find it, written by Forrest Fenn.
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  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
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  • Patty Peanut The Elephant
    Patty Peanut, a curious elephant, goes on an exciting camping adventure with the help of her friend Ruby Red Bird.
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