Wastewater Books

    This book discusses the various uses of purified wastewater, including irrigation, civil use, and industrial use. It also covers the composition of wastewater, its reuse in a…
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  • Wastewater second chance.
    This informational text explains the different types of wastewater and their treatments, emphasizing the importance of reusing water.
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  • Our Water Supply
    The story discusses the reuse of treated wastewater, biogas production, and the importance of staying home during a pandemic.
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  • World Water Day 2017
    The story provides information about World Water Day, its history, themes, and the importance of freshwater and sustainable water management.
    A description of the water and waste management system in the city of Kanohi, including sources of drinking water, wastewater treatment, waste collection, recycling, and air …
  • Research on Istanbul's Attitude on Wastewater Recycling
    The story discusses the advanced biological wastewater treatment plants built by İSKİ, their processes, and the benefits of recycling water. It also mentions the discounted p…
  • Zainab a Water Resource and Civil Engineer
    The story follows Zainab's journey from her early years in Iran to becoming a civil engineer and water resource engineer, facing challenges along the way.
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  • Envinonment pollution
    Pollution harms the environment and health. It has various causes, including natural events and human activities. Remedies include wastewater treatment, tree planting, and re…
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