Water Features Books

  • #Minecraft
    Steve describes his newly built house, including its layout and features.
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  • The History of Warren
    the history of Warren, CT. Fourth grade students of Mrs. Woodington's class created this StoryJumper rich with information!
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    Zach has a fear of water due to the mishap of his five-year-old accident.
    Can he become a champion swimmer?
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  • Amazing Animal Adaptations
    The story explains how kangaroo rats survive in the Arizona Desert without water through adaptations, including physical, behavioral, and structural. It also discusses exampl…
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    This book provides a comprehensive overview of horses, covering their characteristics, habitat, diet, survival, life cycle, and cool facts.
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  • Mia The Maincoon
    A Maine Coon kitten describes its unique features, intelligence, love for water, and playful nature.
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  • Around the world
    An informational book about different land and water features, including forests, beaches, volcanoes, rivers, the Arctic, and deserts.
  • Don't Fear Me ABC
    A rhyming alphabet book that introduces various animals, objects, and concepts with short descriptions.
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