Water Harvesting Books

  • Let's Plant A Garden!
    A story about planting and harvesting a garden, with instructions and excitement along the way.
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  • Kirby's adventure
    This is Kirby. He is on a mission collecting fruit. I bet he will eat it all.
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  • Grey Castle Under The Sun
    A collection of poems and personal reflections by Gabriel Gorelik, covering various topics such as words, nature, identity, and happiness.
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  • Reforestation Comparison
    This book discusses the Green Belt Movement in Kenya and the re-greening efforts in the Israeli desert, highlighting the goals, actions, and results of each project.
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  • Human Impact
    The book discusses the human impact on Earth, covering topics like agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, population growth, overgrazing, fracking, drilling, mining, natur…
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  • Corey's Fight against Water Diversion
    Corey, a nature lover, discovers that water diversion is causing harm to the environment and wildlife. He leads a movement to stop it and succeeds.
  • Farming in the past, present and future
    A brief overview of farming in the past, present, and future, highlighting changes in technology and methods.
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  • Author Esmi Peters Illustrator Juanfher Garzia
    La abuela Atanasia anhela ver a sus nietas Elidia, Amada y Chavela una última vez. Su viaje revela recuerdos y tragedias familiares, culminando en un emotivo reencuentro y un…
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