Weathering Books

  • The Carbon Cycle
    An educational book about carbon and its role in photosynthesis, respiration, fossil fuel formation, sedimentation, dissolving, and weathering.
    Eye Icon 4691
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  • The Rock Cycle
    Peter explains the rock cycle, describing how rocks change from one type to another through natural processes like heat, cooling, and erosion.
    Eye Icon 23405
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    An introduction to fast and slow changes in the Earth's surface, including volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides, creeps, weathering, and erosion.
    Eye Icon 2456
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  • Weathering and erosion
    This book provides basic information about plate tectonics, volcanoes, mountains, faults, earthquakes, weathering, erosion, and the Earth's layers.
    Eye Icon 439
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  • Weathering, Erosion and Deposition with
    An informative book about W.E.D and ecoregions, explaining weathering, erosion, deposition, and three ecoregions in the US.
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  • Eco-Regions In Texas
    The story explains weathering, erosion, and deposition in three different regions of Texas: the Piney Woods, Gulf Coast Plains, and Edwards Plateau.
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  • Erosion, Weathering, and Deposition
    An informational book explaining weathering, erosion, and deposition, with examples from Texas regions.
    Eye Icon 446
  • Mindy & Sandy: Weathering & Erosion
    Mindy and Sandy explore the ecoregions of Texas, learning about weathering, erosion, and deposition. They have adventures and return home.
    Eye Icon 40
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