Weddings Books

  • Barney the Fire Truck
    This story is based on a real fire truck from Baltimore that wound up halfway around the world. I hope it reassures children that change can be good.
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  • The Princess Wedding
    3 princesses named Aila, Victoria, and Olivia all attend a wedding! (Aila's wedding).

    Aila is the bride
    Victoria and Olivia are the bridesmaids.
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  • The Wedding Cake
    Tom the baker needs to bake a wedding cake for Judy and Peter.
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  • Wedding at Cana
    The story of Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana, Galilee, and the impact it had on his disciples.
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    When Princess Skyler meets Prince Robert they become fast friends. Their friendship deepens during their adventures, and eventually leads to true love.

    A lovely s…
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  • Cookie And Mr Guinea Go To A Wedding
    You are going to find out which wedding Cookie and Mr Guinea goes to. Who's going to get married.
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  • The Wedding Dress
    King Theodore prepares a wedding for his daughter Sofia, but the dress is sabotaged by Wedusa. With the help of Arya and Prince Hector, they defeat Wedusa and restore the dre…
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  • The Devil`s Wedding
    A famous legend from Old Town about a bankrupt hotel owner who witnesses the Devil's Wedding and the consequences that follow.
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