Weight Loss Books

  • Fatcat Goes to the Vet
    A cat named Fatcat goes to the vet and learns he needs to lose weight. He meets a parrot and makes a promise to eat healthy.
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  • Sammy Goes On A Diet
    Sammy, a clumsy and overweight girl, faces bullying but decides to lose weight and become an athlete. She gains confidence, popularity, and happiness.
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  • Tammy's Exercise Guide
    Tammy the kitty cat shares her journey of weight loss and improved health through exercise, providing tips and motivation for readers to live a healthier life.
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  • Chubby And Friends Part 3: The Family Bonds
    In a forest, Chubby and friends cope with loss and change as Vanessa finds love again. Samantha struggles but learns to embrace the future, celebrating family and friendship …
  • PE Project How to be fit
    A collection of goals and tips for a healthy and successful future, including maintaining weight, drinking water, eating healthy, helping others, and learning new skills.
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  • ABC's of Healty food for a Healthy Body
    This is a book about which foods are a good source of which vitamins and minerals, and how they work in the body.
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    Greyson is an 11 year old who becomes obsessed with getting in shape. He turns to a radical online diet to shed the pounds but that's not enough. So Greyson goes to a gym to …
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  • the fear of food
    Jessica, a 14-year-old girl, develops anorexia and struggles with low self-esteem, extreme weight loss, and the fear of gaining weight. With her parents' support and professi…
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