Wild Dog Books

    He runs with animals in the forest, pilots an airplane, and rides a wild horse. This extraordinary little boy does not know that he is growing up to be a superhero.
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    Star Icon 2609
  • If You Give A Dog A Donut
    Nero the dog goes on a wild adventure after someone gives him a donut, leading to his dreams coming true.
    Eye Icon 4467
    Star Icon 363
  • Dog Fights
    A werewolf and a wild dog named Albertro from Alderon engage in dog fights, while 'Sprint' and 'Nitro' are introduced as other dog fighters.
    Eye Icon 261
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  • Vegetable Soup A to Z
    A rhyming alphabet book that introduces various vegetables and their characteristics, ending with a silly soup recipe.
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  • African Wild Dogs
    Clayton, an African Wild Dog, and his friend Dakotah face danger from hunters and learn about conservation efforts.
    Eye Icon 43
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  • The Sloth And The Arrogant Wild Dog
    In a beautiful jungle, a wild dog and a sloth have a race. The sloth wins, teaching the wild dog a lesson about arrogance.
    Eye Icon 66
  • Canelo's Story
    A lady who encounters problems with her dog because she does not how to use suffixes and prefixes.
    Eye Icon 5610
    Star Icon 184
  • The wild dog!!!!
    Ella gets a surprise dog from her mom, but they end up stranded at the beach without a way home.
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